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reboot puro

Today do we choose what we LOVE to eat or what our body NEEDS to eat? The answer is always - LOVE to Eat! When that happens, it may not be what our body really NEEDs. So where does all the “rubbish” being dump into? Our Colon! 

  • Our Colon is a 7.5meter long journey, a lot of the “rubbish” are accumulated along the “wrinkled” pocket of the colon.

  • Have you been drinking lots of water as your daily routine to flush out all the "rubbish" colon toxin in your gut?

  • Have you been having 1 kg of fruits and vegetables in 5 different colors in your daily eating habits?

  • If you haven't and you are having a big stomach , a waistline that won't go down, a "snoopy tummy" that is always hanging out, You are constipated and its time to cleanse out your colon toxin and lighten your gut for a healthier better looking you.

  • reboot puro

    ''Thanks to my sister Ann, who brought this product from Singapore to the Philippines. over here at young age our diet is only consist of lots of rice and fried chicken or friend stuff. especially with Jolly B style of friend chicken and rice. and fruits and vegetables are not in our eating habits. with just 1 sachet of reboot Puro, i can see my stomach flatten and i became so much lighter. going to the toilet the first few times made me realised that i have tons of "shit" stuck in my colon. I also realised my skin acne clearing up. 

    Alma . Laguna Pilippines 

    reboot Puro

    ''In my work here, in the Philippines as one of the TikTok Influencer, it is a constant effort to maintain a healthy and fit looking body. With the diet habits we have here, most people are having a huge bulging stomach. some of our children are even so heavy that they need to use a 'wheelchair' to move around. All this is due to the beer and pizza and pasta and lots of rice in our daily diet and without any vegetables most of the time. with reboot Puro, removing all the rubbish i ate and flattening my stomach has never been easier.

    Marry Ann . Manila

    reboot Puro

    ''I have taken a lot of different types of health supplements and most of the time, they are over claimed. I have known Marcus for many months before I started taking reboot Puro. In the beginning, I wasn't use to the frequency of going to the toilet, i thought I was having diarrhea. Later i realised that all the stuff that came out are from very long time as it sinks and its dark in color. After 7 days of consistent clearing, now I have a flatten stomach it helps me to detox and remove the unwanted stuff from my colon. 

    Trinh Diem Huong . Ho Chi Minh

    reboot puro